Friday, April 1, 2011

HtmlSieve Five Minute Introduction

Editor Note: HtmlSieve will be released shortly on GitHub with a mirror of the documentation created here.

What is it good for?

HtmlSieve is a Lexer (not a full fledged stateful parser!), that allows for streaming processing of Html/Xml content. The Lexer recognizes the difference between:

  • Text (including CDATA sections)
  • Tags (open or close)  and it parses the attributes of the tags
  • Comments


Overly Simple Example: Counting Tags

A Tag Listener

The tag listener will receive events as tags are encountered by the Sieve while processing code

	package htmlparser.example;

import org.htmlparser_fork.Tag;
import com.centercomp.htmlsieve;

public class TagCountingListener implements TagListener {
public int endTags = 0;

public int startTags = 0;

* Receives notification whenever an 'end' tag
* such as </body> is encountered in the Lexing
* stream.
public Tag onEndTag(final Tag tag) {
return tag;

* Receives notification whenever a 'start' tag
* such as <body> is encountered in the Lexing
* stream. Start tags will also include
* empty xhtml tags
* or void html tags such as &lt;br&gt; or &lt;br/&gt;
public Tag onStartTag(final Tag tag) {
return tag;



	import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public void testTagCounting() throws IOException{
//This is where we will send output.
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

TagCountingListener tagListener = new TagCountingListener();
//Construct the sieve
HtmlSieve sieve = new HtmlSieve()

//Tell it where to send output after processing

//Add the Tag Listener

//Now send the sieve some data in bits:
String test1 = "<html><body><p";
String test2 = ">This is a test</p></body></html>";

//Make sure nothing has been processed yet.
assertEquals(0, tagListener.startTags);
assertEquals(0, tagListener.endTags);

//The lexer will handle what it can... in this case, the <p> tag
//is incomplete, so it won't be processed yet.

//Processed up to, but not including the 'p' tag.
assertEquals(2, tagListener.startTags);
assertEquals(0, tagListener.endTags);


assertEquals(3, tagListener.startTags);
assertEquals(3, tagListener.endTags);

//Make sure content hasn't been modified by the processing.
assertEquals(test1 + test2, stringWriter.toString());
As you can see, the key to working with the sieve is the streaming listeners.

What can listeners do

  • Process Comments with com.centercomp.htmlsieve.CommentListener. A useful example of this is com.centercomp.htmlsieve.filters.CommentStripper
  • Process text inside the html with: com.centercomp.htmlsieve.TextListener A useful example of this would be a Profanity filter for a form post, or even possibly an inline emoticon replacer.
  • Rewrite html tags with com.centercomp.htmlsieve.TagListener We use this extensively in the Chariot Framework for the AntiCSRF processing in Chariot Command. We also plan to use it in Chariot FuSOR.

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